Sacred Remembrance Travel

Join me for an Intuitive Immersion on Sacred Lands.

Here we are. In the NOW.

And yet, is there a way to weave in the memory of a time when we didn’t live lives that were cut off from the Sacred, when we blended and used our intuitive capacity to expand in to the fullness of what it means to be human?

Collectively, we have very much cut ourselves off from witnessing and weaving in the wisdom of the earth and all she wants to teach us.

If you long to live a life more in keeping with the natural rhythms of our beautiful planet, more in keeping with the natural cycles and essence of our innate intuitive capacity, then please do consider joining me for a journey to awaken these parts of you.

Check out our exciting offerings!!

Awaken Your Intuition

Glastonbury, U.K.

Awaken a new layer of your intuitive capacity working with the lands of Glastonbury, UK, aka the Isle of Avalon. In this 5 day retreat, we will journey together to tap into the deeply seated power of this unique and sacred landscape. Allow this energy to well up within you, touching places in you that have long been dormant. The land holds incredible capacity and willingness to open us up to the unique expression of our hearts and has often been referred to as the “heart chakra of the planet.” If you are ready to show up with vulnerability, authenticity, and grace, then the Lands of Avalon will meet you there, with a heart opening tonic that is difficult to capture in words, but irrefutably felt and embodied.


Magdalene Journey

Provence, France

Join us as we retrace the steps of the Magdalene after her arrival on the shores of Provence, France following the crucifixion of Christ. We will align with her frequency, receive her loving transmission, and awaken the Divine Feminine within us.


I AM the Oracle

Delphi, Greece

You are the Oracle. In ancient Greece, Delphi, the omphalos (in Greek “navel”) of the earth, was considered to be the center of the world.

The new world is awakening by integrating the old world. Ancient Greece is part of the puzzle of who we were, and who we are becoming. During this 6-day gathering, we are visiting the powerful site of Delphi in order to awaken the Oracle that we already hold within us.

The Oracle is our most intimate nature, our initiatory connection to the divine, hidden within our innermost blueprint, which is waiting for us to reclaim yet again, consciously and full-heartedly. It is holding the truth for you and for everyone around you, cosmic and human alike.